CSCS Mock Test Full 50 Questions 2024

This CSCS mock test is a full 50-question example designed to help you practice and prepare for your real Health, Safety and Environment Test in 2024. All the questions will be pulled at random from some of the core health and safety topics covered in the real CSCS test.

For the real test, you will have 45 minutes to complete 50 multiple-choice questions, you’ll need to demonstrate that you have a good theoretical knowledge of many health and safety topics before you can pass your test and apply for your CSCS card.

Most of the questions in the real test will require a single answer but there are a few which require multiple answers. In keeping with this format, we’ve added questions that require multiple answers so you can get the full experience when attempting any of our CSCS mock tests.

If a question requires two answers, you’ll need to choose both correct answers before you can get a full point for that question, so please ensure that you read each question carefully. The pass mark for this CSCS mock test is 45 out of 50. Good luck!

1. Which of these must you do if you’re required to use an extension cable? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 1 of 50

2. What should you do FIRST if someone is unconscious but you are not a trained first aider?

Question 2 of 50

3. All of the following statements are true about using podium steps EXCEPT:

Question 3 of 50

4. What should you do if you’re given a task that requires you to wear a full body harness but you’ve never used one before?

Question 4 of 50

5. What is the main cause of death among workers in confined spaces?

Question 5 of 50

6. What should you do if you have to work in a confined space and realize your permit to work will expire before you can finish the work?

Question 6 of 50

7. To help prevent injuries caused by manual handling you should do all the following EXCEPT:

Question 7 of 50

8. What should you do if you suspect someone about to start working on-site is under the influence of alcohol?

Question 8 of 50

9. What should you do if a fire breaks out and you’ve not been trained to use a fire extinguisher?

Question 9 of 50

10. Pedestrians are most likely injured by site vehicles when the vehicles are:

Question 10 of 50

11. All unsafe working practices should be reported immediately; whose responsibility is it to report unsafe working practices?

Question 11 of 50

12. What does it mean if you digging and find a run of coloured marker tape?

Question 12 of 50

13. As an employee it’s your responsibility to do all the following EXCEPT: (Choose 2 answers)

Question 13 of 50

14. Before starting your shift you’re given a dust mask that’s too big and keeps falling off, what should you do?

Question 14 of 50

15. Exposure to which of these would most likely result in you contracting Weil’s disease?

Question 15 of 50

16. To operate a plant on site you must: (Choose 2 answers)

Question 16 of 50

17. You’re working with a new chemical/substance and you start to feel ill, what should you do?

Question 17 of 50

18. Guard rails placed around the top of an excavation are meant to ___.

Question 18 of 50

19. What should you do if the extension wire you need to use has a cut in the outer cover?

Question 19 of 50

20. Wearing a safety helmet in hot weather can be uncomfortable, which of these is true about wearing a safety helmet in hot weather?

Question 20 of 50

21. What should be done if you have an accident at work which results in you being absent from work for more than 7 days? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 21 of 50

22. Which of these is true about using gloves while handling chemicals?

Question 22 of 50

23. How often should you replace your high-visibility clothing?

Question 23 of 50

24. When does your employer need to provide a first-aid box?

Question 24 of 50

25. Should hand tools such as saws, hammers and wire cutters be inspected?

Question 25 of 50

26. You have to work in an excavation, what is the main hazard while working?

Question 26 of 50

27. You stumble upon a rare plant or animal that is protected by law, which TWO activities below would be considered illegal? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 27 of 50

28. Over time, excess noise can damage your hearing. Which of these is an early sign of this?

Question 28 of 50

29. What do yellow service pipes carry in relation to underground service pipes?

Question 29 of 50

30. Why is it important for workers using a half mask respirator to be clean shaven?

Question 30 of 50

31. Using eye protection is vital for onsite safety, when should you wear eye protection?

Question 31 of 50

32. What does the health and safety sign below tell you?


Question 32 of 50

33. Why should workers be fully trained and competent before they’re allowed to enter a confined space?

Question 33 of 50

34. What does the health and safety sign below mean?


Question 34 of 50

35. Which of these should be worn on-site if there’s a risk of objects falling from above?

Question 35 of 50

36. You need to sweep up dust that was created during your shift. You should:

Question 36 of 50

37. What does the health and safety sign below mean?


Question 37 of 50

38. Which of these should not be in a first-aid kit?

Question 38 of 50

39. What should you do if you suspect the scaffolding you are working from is unsafe?

Question 39 of 50

40. Being exposed to engine oil can cause ____.

Question 40 of 50

41. If you have to use water to control dust while cutting you should____.

Question 41 of 50

42. You have to work with hazardous substances, what should your employer check regularly?

Question 42 of 50

43. What should you do if your supervisor asks you to drive a truck but you have never driven one before?

Question 43 of 50

44. You witness a scaffold collapse, if you’re questioned about this accident you should:

Question 44 of 50

45. What should you do if you need to use a mobile tower scaffold but the wheel brakes aren’t working?

Question 45 of 50

46. What should you do if you’re given a cable avoiding tool to use while working but you don’t know how to use it?

Question 46 of 50

47. Why is it important for you to keep your working environment clean and tidy?

Question 47 of 50

48. Which of these is true about environmental law?

Question 48 of 50

49. What’s the first thing you should do if a colleague collapse and there are no first-aiders around?

Question 49 of 50

50. You should report all serious accidents to_______.

Question 50 of 50


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