CSCS Practice Questions – General Responsibilities

These 27 CSCS practice questions cover everything you will need to know to pass the General Responsibilities section of the CSCS card test in 2024.

The questions in this section focus on how you and your employer should work together to ensure a safe and accident-free workplace.

To pass this test, you will need to answer at least 25 of these CSCS practice questions correctly. Good luck.

1. What should you do if you accidentally drop your safety helmet and crack it?

Question 1 of 27

2. Which TWO are likely consequences for employers who fail to take appropriate measures to prevent accidents or ill health at work? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 2 of 27

3. What should you do if another contractor is carrying out a task which affects your safety?

Question 3 of 27

4. What should you do if you’re unsure about a particular topic discussed during a site induction?

Question 4 of 27

5. What is the FIRST thing you should do when you arrive on site for your first day of work?

Question 5 of 27

6. What are risk assessments used to identify?

Question 6 of 27

7. What should you do if you discover a child wondering around on a construction site?

Question 7 of 27

8. What does it mean if your entire work site has been given a prohibition notice?

Question 8 of 27

9. A toolbox talk is ___.

Question 9 of 27

10. What is the MAIN reason why you should know and understand the fire and emergency procedures at your workplace?

Question 10 of 27

11. What does it mean if a Health and Safety Executive officer issues an improvement notice after observing you at work?

Question 11 of 27

12. What should you do if you’re about to start a job and realize it cannot be done according to the method statement?

Question 12 of 27

13. Whenever required, your employer must ensure they provide you with instructions that ___.

Question 13 of 27

14. Which of these is most likely to happen if you witness a near miss but do not report it?

Question 14 of 27

15. What should you do if a Health and Safety Executive inspector asks you about a recent accident you witnessed?

Question 15 of 27

16. TWO important topics your employer should cover at your site induction are ___ and ___. (Choose 2 answers)

Question 16 of 27

17. What should you do if you believe the safety rules discussed at your site induction are out of date?

Question 17 of 27

18. You’re about to start working and realize that a design detail cannot be built according to its plans, what TWO things should you do? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 18 of 27

19. General site rules would normally include information about all of the following EXCEPT:

Question 19 of 27

20. Which of these best describes the word “hazard”?

Question 20 of 27

21. Why is your employer legally obligated to discuss matters of health and safety with you?

Question 21 of 27

22. Prohibition notices are given to equipment that ___.

Question 22 of 27

23. Which TWO are likely consequences for YOU if your employer fails to take appropriate measures to prevent accidents or ill health at work? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 23 of 27

24. Why are site inductions important?

Question 24 of 27

25. Who manages health and safety at a construction site?

Question 25 of 27

26. What should you do if you’re working and discover a faster way of completing a task than what is outlined in the method statement?

Question 26 of 27

27. Where should injuries on site be recorded?

Question 27 of 27


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