CSCS Questions – First Aid and Emergency Procedures

The CSCS questions below will test your knowledge of First Aid and Emergency Procedures. There are 19 multiple-choice questions in this practice test, and you must answer all questions.

This section focuses on what you should do if there’s an emergency on site. Hint: Always follow the site emergency procedures.

To pass this practice test, you’ll need to get at least 17 out of 19 of these CSCS questions correct. Your results will be shown after submitting your answers. Good luck.

1. Which statement about evacuation routes is true?

Question 1 of 19

2. What should you do if someone falls while working at height and the person says they can’t feel their legs?

Question 2 of 19

3. What’s the FIRST thing you should do if a colleague collapses and there are no first-aiders around?

Question 3 of 19

4. What’s the FIRST thing you should do if a worker collapses while working in a deep inspection chamber?

Question 4 of 19

5. What should you do if someone has an accident and you think they have broken a leg?

Question 5 of 19

6. What vital information should be collected after a near miss occurs?

Question 6 of 19

7. If there is an emergency on site you must ___.

Question 7 of 19

8. Which of these should NOT be in a first-aid kit?

Question 8 of 19

9. A first aider is allowed to do all the following EXCEPT:

Question 9 of 19

10. What TWO immediate actions should you take after witnessing an accident on site? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 10 of 19

11. If there's an emergency on site, what TWO things should you do? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 11 of 19

12. What TWO things can you do to obtain information about your site emergency procedures? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 12 of 19

13. What should you do if you notice the first-aid kit at your work site is always empty?

Question 13 of 19

14. What should you do if you cut a finger and can't get it to stop bleeding?

Question 14 of 19

15. What is the FIRST thing you should do if someone next to you touches a live cable by accident?

Question 15 of 19

16. When does your employer have to provide a first-aid kit?

Question 16 of 19

17. What is the FIRST thing you should do if someone working outside collapses with stomach pains and no first aider is around?

Question 17 of 19

18. What’s the FIRST thing you should do if you find an injured person while working on your own?

Question 18 of 19

19. What is the FIRST thing you should do if someone working next to you is knocked unconscious and you are not a trained first aider?

Question 19 of 19


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