What is the CSCS test pass mark? This is the most common question we get from CSCS test candidates every day.
As of mid-2019, the CITB CSCS Health, Safety and Environment test has a simplified (as compared to previous years) pass mark requirement.
As of mid-2019, the CSCS test pass mark is as follows:
- The Operatives CSCS test pass mark is 45 out of 50
- The Specialist CSCS test pass mark is 45 out of 50
- The Managers and Professionals CSCS test pass mark is 46 out of 50
These also include the behavioural case study questions.
How to pass the CSCS test
Passing the CITB Health, Safety and Environment test is no different from passing any test. You need to put in the time and effort to get as many CSCS test revision and practice questions under your belt.
Some people will try to convince you that the test is basic common sense, in all honesty – some questions are, but most of them are not. Take the time to practice, this is the only way you will achieve the CSCS test pass mark required for your specific test.