CSCS Test Questions and Answers

Here are some more CSCS test questions and answers to help you prepare for the new Health, Safety and Environment Test, there are 10 questions and answers relating to different aspects of health and safety in the construction industry and all of which you should be aware of if you plan on taking your CSCS test soon.

Passing the new CSCS test requires a more all-round knowledge of basic health and safety topics, since the recent updates to the CSCS test in April 2102, more and more candidates are finding it difficult to achieve the 45 out of 50 correct answers required to pass their CSCS test.

The new CSCS test features an updated questions bank which now includes, respiratory risks, environmental safety issues and the 12 behavioural case study questions. Apart from these new additions some of the old CSCS test questions have been removed from the test as they’re now outdated.

One of the main features of our free CSCS mock test questions is that they’re all related to the new CSCS 2023 test, so you can practice and be confident you’re getting the most up to date CSCS test questions.

The first 4 CSCS questions below are aimed mainly at site operatives applying for their Labourer CSCS card and the remaining 6 CSCS test questions and answers are based on general health and safety topics, all the answers are provided below the questions.

1. When does your employer need to provide a first-aid box?

a. When the total number of employees exceeds 10

b. When the total number of employees exceeds 35

c. Every site should be equipped with a first-aid box regardless of the number of employees

d. First-aid boxes are provided at the company’s discretion and are not compulsory

Answer: C – Every site should be equipped with a first-aid box regardless of the number of employees


2. Protective mid-soles on your footwear are used to?

a. Increase comfort throughout the day

b. Support your ankles and prevent them from twisting

c. Protect your feet from falling objects

d. Protect your feet if you step on nails and other sharp objects

Answer: D – Protect your feet if you step on nails and other sharp objects


3. Why are site inductions important?

a. The work site health and safety rules are discussed during the site induction

b. It gives you the opportunity to formally meet your colleagues

c. It allows you to have a look around at the work site

d. It gives you the opportunity to meet the site manager and supervisors

Answer: A – The work site health and safety rules are discussed during the site induction


4. Class 3 ladders are suitable for?

a. Heavy duty and industrial purposes

b. Domestic use

c. Both industrial and domestic purposes

d. Building site purposes

Answer: B – Domestic use


5. When working in a hearing protection zone you must?

a. Be as quiet as possible

b. Not use any loud equipment or machinery

c. Ensure you wear hearing protection

d. Work as fast as possible and then leave in order to reduce the noise level

Answer: C – Ensure you wear hearing protection


6. What should you do if you notice a safety hazard that no one else seems to notice?

a. Stay away from that area

b. Report it to your supervisor immediately

c. Keep on working and report it at the end of your shift

d. Report it to your colleagues and tell them to stay away from that area

Answer: B – Report it to your supervisor immediately


7. Why is it important to sign in whenever you are on site?

a. To ensure you’re working your correct hours

b. To ensure you’re accounted for in the event of an evacuation

c. The HSE needs records of your working hours

d. Signing in is optional and not compulsory

Answer: B – To ensure you’re accounted for in the event of an evacuation


8. Which of these fire extinguishers are most suitable for use on electrical fires? (Choose 2 answers)

a. CO2 and dry powder

b. CO2 and water

c. CO2 and foam

d. Foam and dry powder

Answer: A – CO2 and dry powder


9. What could happen to a worker’s health if warning signs regarding toxic substances are ignored or mishandled?

a. An increase in fitness levels

b. A decrease in fitness levels

c. Poor health

d. Good health

Answer: A – Poor health


10. You have to work with hazardous substances, what should your employer check regularly?

a. Your mood

b. Your working technique

c. Your skills

d. Your health

Answer: A – Your health

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